Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) is an independent organization which certifies environmental and social wellbeing in farmed Seafood, including animal welfare and transparency. The ASC farm standard was launched in 2012.
The new ASC feed standard, effective from 2023, takes the ASC’s approach to responsible aquaculture and extends it to the feed mills that manufacture aquafeed, as well as the suppliers of their ingredients. The purpose is to ensure that fish feed factories meet strict environmental and social requirements, source ingredients from socially responsible Suppliers, and use environmentally responsible raw materials. From october 2025 al ASC-farmers must use ASC-compliant feed to in order to keep the ASC certification of their fish.
Cargill in Scotland is ASC compliant, and delivers feed to ASC-certified farmers. We have started the process of certify our factories in alignment with the new feed standard, and as part of this process we will publish documentation on this page for stakeholders.